We are thrilled to announce that the Supreme Court decision in R v Smith was a unanimous victory for the rights of medical cannabis patients in Canada. The decision can be read here: http://scc-csc.lexum.com/scc-csc/scc-csc/en/item/15403/index.do
Supreme Court of Canada upholds acquittal of B.C. man who baked marijuana cookies for compassion http://t.co/Ib5yAK9otP via @georgiastraight
— NORMLWomenCanada (@NORML_CWA) June 11, 2015
Medical #marijuana users can bake it, not just smoke it, Supreme Court rules, by @SeanFineGlobe http://t.co/7zb33NL3As via @GlobePolitics
— AndrĂ© Picard (@picardonhealth) June 11, 2015
Smith #medical #cannabis #derivative decision applies to all medically authorized patients in Canada.
— KirkTousaw (@KirkTousaw) June 11, 2015
Supreme Court of Canada says edibles are okay ln landmark medical marijuana case https://t.co/fShGMPh7uC via @vicenews
— Tousaw Law (@TousawLaw) June 11, 2015