Today Health Canada announced that the new ACMPR would replace the MMPR on August 24, 2016. This represents the government’s response to the decision of the Federal Court in Allard. The new regulations are, in essence, a blend of the MMAR and MMPR.
The Licensed Producers remain the sole commercial option and have become the only source of genetics. This is ironic because those LPs acquired their genetics largely from MMAR producers who now are not allowed to supply each other in the new regime.
Patients will be able to produce for themselves or designated someone to produce for them. The designated producers can supply two patients maximum. Four producers can use a single location. The production amounts will be determined by a formula that appears to mirror the MMAR (5 plants per gram per day indoors, two plants per gram per day outdoor). No language appears to impose maximum dosage or plant limits (at least in the information bulletins). Patients will be able to possess a maximum of 150 grams on their persons.
Dispensaries and pharmacies are not brought into the new system. The government indicates the ACMPR were an immediate solution to Allard and should not be considered long-term.
In my opinion, this represents a significant step forward. The devil is in the details and the full text of the regulations are not currently available. However this response by the Liberal government is significantly more robust and responsive to the Charter ruling than prior responses by the Conservatives.
I will have more updates when the regulations themselves are published.